>Top>Program>Premium Screening of Hiroyuki Oki
Premium Screening of Hiroyuki Oki

Hiroyuki Oki, formerly known as a flag bearer for queer film, has returned to the gay scene. The nonchalant "Vision for the Death of Buddy Matsumae", put together in the style of a video diary from material Oki took with a video camera on his travels around Japan, is exquisitely beautiful. Vision... shows us the natural environment of the sea, as well as the streets and the people who live there, all from the intent perspective of a gay man. "G8" gives us a fresh, casually filmed glimpse of the gay scene in Nagoya.
Vision for the Death of Buddy Matsumae
Dir: Hiroyuki Oki
(2002/Japan/video/30 min.)
in Japanese with English subtitles
G8 [provisional title]
Dir: Hiroyuki Oki
in Japanese with English subtitles