>Top>Program>Taiwan New Wave
Taiwan New Wave

Here are two mid-length independent films by young Taiwanese directors.
Chen Jofei's "Incidental Journey" is a road movie in which Ching is forced to take another look at herself when she meets the mysteriously attractive Hsiang on her travels. In "BABYFACE", film student Chan is bewildered by fellow student Kuo Fan's excessive kindness, and ends up confronting her. Don't miss the exciting conclusion.
Look out for female film director Chen Jofei's portrayal of lesbians in "Incidental Journey", and Cheng Yu-Chieh's performance in the three roles of director, screenwriter and lead in "BABYFACE".
Incidental Journey
Dir: Chen Jofei
in Mandarin with English and Japanese subtitles
Dir: Cheng Yu-Chieh
in Mandarin with English and Japanese subtitles