
"Outed" Boys Shorts
FRI. 16.7 | 16:30
MON. 19.7 | 11:30

Shipping and handling
Dir: Richard Bever
(2002/USA/ /28min)

Queer Web
Dir: O'Neal JT
(2002/USA/Beta SP NTSC/6min)

Far West
Dir: Alex Vincent

I'd like to know about love
Dir: Max Croci

Straight in the face
Dir: Peter Demas
These shorts focus on that moment of shock, sadness, confusion, happiness or anger at finding out someone is gay. Shipping and Handling tells the tumultuous story of a mail-order bride who travels from Russia to New York. In Queer Web, a family's secrets are revealed in a chat room. Far West tells of young people meeting up in the countryside after a long time apart, only to be given a cool reception by one of their grandfathers. The popular fortune teller in I'd Like to Know about Love will answer all those questions that have been on your mind. Finally, in Straight in the Face, the daughter of a gay couple brings her boyfriend home : could he be "fabulous" himself?

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