Wounded Senses

Director: Jeniffer Reeves
1996 USA 38' 16mm b&w

Groove on a Stanley Knife
Director: Tinge Krishnan and Beth Kotler
1997 UK 42' 16mm color

The pain of betrayal, the trauma of rape, the cut of a blade.... The two films in this program lay it
all bare in some of the most riveting and emotionally intense new work produced in recent years.
Jennifer Reeves' *Chronic* is the story of Gretchen, a young woman who began at an early age
using self-mutilation as a strategy to get beyond the pain of her everyday life.
Employing both
scripted and documentary footage as well as a number of optical printing techniques
different film stocks, *Chronic* presents a surrealistic narrative of Gretchen's childhood in Ohio
and her time in a mental institution as a teenager. Visceral and raw, this is a film that breaks
down the boundaries between an inner emotional life and the social world that surrounds it.

Next, girl-buddy action film meets psychedelic cinema in *Groove on a Stanley Knife*,
fast-paced film marked by colors and images as vivid and intense as the emotions they evoke.
and Tammy are best friends on the run from crack dealers in the north of England.
Forced to hide
out in an abandoned public toilet until things cool down,
they are left together with only a pack
of skittles and the blade of a stanley knife between them
to confront the shocking and violent
history of their first meeting,
and to come to terms with each other over Stef's love for women
and Tammy's homophobia.

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(C) Tokyo International L&G Film&Video Festival