Ticket Information (Tokyo)
■ Prices and Outlet

Single ticket (show specific)
1,400yen (advance), 1,600yen (at the door)

4-program coupon (advance ticket only) 5,000yen

Festival Pass (valid for all programs)
10,000yen (advance), 12,000yen (at the door)

Weekday matinee discount ticket
(good for Friday 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm)
1,000yen (advance), 1,200yen (at the door)

■ Advance tickets are available at

Ticket Pia (TEL 03-5237-9999)

Spiral Office 4F (TEL 03-3498-1171)

Lumiere (TEL 03-3352-3378)

Postal wire transfer (until July 10): Account name LGFF, Account number 00130-2-131530
