Program: VITO

監督名:ジェフリー・シュワルツ/Dir:Jeffrey Schwarz
2011 | USA | 93 min | English
ジャパン・プレミア/Japan Premier
2012年ベルリン国際映画祭パノラマ部門/Berlinale 62 Panorama
This is the story of Vito Russo, the father of the gay rights movement, who actively raised his voice for the community for 20 years. In the aftermath of Stonewall, 23- year-old film student Vito Russo found his voice as a gay activist and was a pivotal part of three organizations (the GAA, GLAAD, and ACT UP). He also wrote Celluloid Closet, the first book-length critique of Hollywood’s portrayals of gays on screen. During the AIDS crisis, he became a passionate advocate for justice via ACT UP. Until his death in 1990, he passionately devoted himself to writing, lecturing, speaking out, and acting up for gay rights.