The dates are set for the 24th Tokyo International Lesbian &Gay Film Festival

The 24th Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival will be held this year in two venues, taking place at Cinemart shinjuku and Spiral Hall.

Over 10 days, from July 11 to 20, there will be screenings of a selection of unique movies from all over the world! We’ll also hold a variety of events during the Festival. Check out our web site for the latest information.

The Festival dates are as follows:
11 July (Sat), 2015 to 17 July (Fri), 2015 (@Cinemart shinjuku)
17 July (Fri), 2015 to 20 July (Mon), 2015 (@Spiral Hall)

Note: The Cinemart Shinjuku venue will only be screening late shows.