Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl

7/11(Sat) 21:20~
@Cinemart shinjuku
7/18(Sat) 21:10~
@Spiral Hall


☆All non-English films have English subtitles.

Boy Meets Girl
Dir:Eric Schaeffer
2014|USA|95 min|English
Japan Premier
Official Site

Robby and his best friend since childhood, Ricky, a gorgeous transgender girl, have never dated. Lamenting the lack of eligible bachelors, Ricky finds herself attracted to a girl she meets in the coffee shop where she works. Francesca is a beautiful young debutante waiting for her Marine fiancé to return from the war. Ricky and Francesca strike up a friendship, and maybe a little more, which forces Robby to face his true feelings for Ricky.

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