International Shorts

※All non-English films have English subtitles.


7/16(Thu) 21:20~ @Cinemart shinjuku
7/18(Sat) 11:30~ @Spiral Hall

The Return

The Return

The Return
(La Retour)
Dir:Yohann Kouam
2013|France|22 min|French
Official Site


※All non-English films have English subtitles.

It’s been a year since his big brother left, and Willy, 15, can’t wait for him to return. Willy thought he knew everything about Theo, but when he arrives back in the block, Willy discovers a secret about him…

supported by Embassy of France/Institut français du Japon
Embassy of France/Institut français du Japon

San Cristóbal

San Cristóbal

San Cristóbal
Dir:Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo
2015|Chile|29 min|Spanish
Japan Premiere
Official Site


※All non-English films have English subtitles.

Lucas is visiting his sister before moving abroad. An unlikely romance grows when he meets a young fisherman, Antonio. Their intimacy navigates towards a new horizon and to a different stage of their adulthood.

supported by Embassy of Chile



Dir:Sophy Holland & Alicia Eyo
2013|UK|30 min|English
Japan Premiere
Official Site


※All non-English films have English subtitles.

Adam meets Rocky at a gay bar in London. As the pair grow closer, the truth about Rocky is explosively revealed. And the men are left to decide whether they can find acceptance in each other, by facing the truth about themselves.

Supported by British Council

Alone with People

Alone with People

Alone with People
Dir:Drew Van Steenbergen
2014|USA|30 min|English
Japan Premiere
Official Site


※All non-English films have English subtitles.

Growing up gay in the South, a high school girl seeks the help of a therapist to come out to her family and friends in this coming-of-age, coming-of-gay story.