Program: No Look Pass

エミリー : 青春へのパス/No Look Pass
監督:メリッサ・ジョンソン/Dir:Melissa Johnson
2011|USA|87 min|English
日本初上映/Japan Premier

Official Site

7/13(Sat) 16:40〜

NO LOOK PASS is the coming-of-age American Dream story of Emily “Etay” Tay, a first generation Burmese immigrant from Chinatown, Los Angeles, who breaks all of the rules of tradition. After living a double life at Harvard University, she strives to play professional basketball in Germany while coming out as a lesbian. Emily’s dreams are no slam dunk — family, race, and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell conspire against her, firing her passions on and off the court.

☆All non-English films have English subtitles.