
マツコ・デラックス/Matsuko Deluxe


People whose thoughts you can’t understand are scary; those who go against one’s wish are even scarier. People recognize others as enemies if they feel fear towards them. To think about sexuality means thinking about human beings. The more you think about it, the more you feel you are different from others. This is not because you are gay or because you are lesbian. This is because YOU are totally different from everyone. There is no need to fight with those who feel fear. Instead, what we must fight against is the foolishness of those who cannot accept people “different” from them. …That’s what I keep telling myself again and again.

橋口亮輔/Ryosuke Hashiguchi
映画監督/Film director


When I was talking to one of my friends living in the United States about the problems I was facing, I was told, “Look, there wasn’t any decent medicine for AIDS in the 80’s. Because of prejudice against those with AIDS, many of my friends passed away. But look at today. Many celebrities are now coming out, same-sex marriage is getting recognized in countries around the world, and even with AIDS, people can get Green Cards. So everything’s all right because things will change and get better.”
That’s right, as long as we have a strong will to change things, the world will change.

牧村朝子/Asako Makimura
タレント、レズビアンライフサポーター/TV talent、Supporter of lesbian life


“We see a lot of gay people in movies, so I thought it was normal to be gay.”
This was said in an interview with the French media by a young man who was abaonded by his parents because of his sexuality. Reality isn’t always portrayed in our favorite movies. Despite this gap between reality and imagination, I believe movies can show the world we want to see. The world the [young French man] saw in the movies is becoming reality, as same-sex marriage is now legal in his country. So congratulations on this film festival’s grand opening! I hope film festival’s movies bring us closer and closer to a wonderful future.

オノ・ヨーコ/Yoko Ono
アーティスト、音楽家、平和活動家/Artist, Musician, Peace activist


Congratulations @TokyoLGFF for 22 years of communicating and educating people on the beauty of same sex love. Together, let’s all celebrate the differences in all of us, which makes life infinitely interesting and fun @TokyoLGFF love, yoko

Alan Cumming/Alan Cumming
俳優、監督、プロデューサー、小説家/Actor, Director, Producer, Writer


Hello @tokyolgff Good luck with this year’s festival! Bravo for keeping the LGBT flag flying and helping welcome equality for everyone!

石坂わたる/Wataru Ishizaka
中野区議会議員(無所属)/Member of Nakano Ward assembly


In recent years, films about the parents and children of sexual minorities have been shown at the festival. Recently, I myself have been getting more chances to meet more parents whose child is gay, children who live with their biological parent along with their parent’s same-sex partner, and people whose partner is TG or has GID. I think this time around there will be a lot of audience members watching from the standpoint of “the family.” Don’t let the dreams and the happy endings finish at the movies; instead, let’s keep working together towards changing our society and legal systems in Japan!

歌川たいじ/Taiji Utagawa


It was 14 years ago when I first saw a movie at LGIFF. It was a heartwarming screening; the audience laughed and cried together. The film was called RELAX, an American film depicting the lives of a group of people of various sexualities coming together to form a community and providing mutual support for one another. Such lifestyle was unimaginable in Japan then, but in recent years, I feel that we are getting nearer to this ideal. Films do bring us the reality, don’t they?

辛酸なめ子/Shinsan Nameko
漫画家・コラムニスト/Cartoonist, Columnist

東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭開催、おめでとうございます! もう22回なんて、映画のストーリーだけでなく映画祭スタッフやお客さんの22年分の人生も絡んできて、膨大なアカシックレコードになっていそうです。さまざまな念がうずまく会場に行けば、きっと生きるヒントを受信できるはず……

Congratulations @TILGFF! Already at its 22nd anniversary, it’s growing into an extensive akashic record with all the stories in the films together with 22 years of the devotion of the staff and audiences. If you come to the festival with full of various feelings, I’m sure you will find some clues to life here.

成田容子/Yoko Narita
青森インターナショナルLGBTフィルムフェスティバル実行委員長/Executive Director, Aomori International LGBT Film Festival


Congratulations on the 22nd TILGFF. Our staff from the Aomori International LGBT Film Festival said that they “want to enjoy the atmosphere at the festival in Tokyo” and so they will join TILGFF this year. I think that, much like I always do, our staff will come back with a wonderful impression. Moreover, they will come back with a happy feeling of being proud of themselves. I love TILGFF, the festival which gives us great courage.

よしひろまさみち/Masamichi Yoshihiro
映画ライター/Film Critic

映画祭開催おめでとうございます。 元来、映画は私的で主観的なものです。それゆえに、LGBTをテーマにした映画はなかなか商業的には難しいという偏見があります。でも、それはイコール、世間が抱く私たちへの偏見ではないかとも思うのです。文化的なアプローチこそ、私たちの最大の武器。愛やライフスタイルを描いた映画を入口に、あらゆる人達に観てもらいたいと願っています。今年も楽しませてください。

Congratulations TILGFF. Films are, by nature, a private and subjective medium. Because of this, the industry holds the biased view that works dealing with LGBTs are not commercially viable. It is possible to say that this attests to the biases the public holds towards the community. Culture is the greatest weapon the community can wield. I hope that kinds of people have a chance to watch these films that explore love and lifestyles. I look forward, once again, to enjoying the Film Festival.

タレント・アーティスト/TV talent, Artist


When I visit 2-chome, I am always struck by your sensibility and talent. I grew up surrounded by members of the LGBT community, and I cannot help but feel that Japan is not yet a society that knows how to value individuality. This is especially true with school children. There are, no doubt, countless children who have reached puberty, and who are forced to hide their true selves with no escape and no place that welcomes them. As a woman, I am hoping that society will allow lesbians to be more open about their sexuality. We need more events like this Film Festival that will instigate change. Kudos to the Film Festival and to all of you!

上川あや/Aya Kamikawa
世田谷区議会議員/Setagaya Ward Councilor

第22回東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭の開催おめでとうございます! 安易に多数派を「ふつう」と捉えたち、少数派を「普通じゃない」と否定してしまいがちな日本の社会の中で、性をめぐる価値観は時代や国によって異なるもので「絶対」なんてない!と気づいてもらうキッカケ作りをすることはとても大切なこと。それを毎年実現させているのがこの映画祭だと思います。今年もどんな気づき、感動、興奮を私たちに与えてくれるのだろう?とワクワクしています!

Congratulations on holding the 22nd Tokyo International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival! Japanese society facilely defines the majority as being the norm and rejects the minority as being an anomaly. It is imperative to hold events that will get the society to realize how ideas about sex have varied through the years and across borders, and how they are far from absolute. Every year, this Film Festival has continued to succeed in doing this. I am excited simply thinking about what the films will make us realize, and how they will move and inspire us this year!

東小雪 Koyuki Higashi
LGBTアクティビスト LGBT activist


Given the need for us to think independently without simply followingsocietal norms, I am thankful that films always provide me with newpoints of view and ways of thinking. This film festival gives us achance to live our lives proud of ourselves without being swamped bywhat is expected of us. Once again, our hopes will be joined andconnected through the festival this year.

増原裕子 Hiroko Masuhara
「虹色ダイバーシティ」スタッフ staff of “Nijiiro Diversity”


There are films that leave an imprint on our hearts and that which welive on. There are also films that remind us of our own growth andprogress. Hush! by driector Ryosuke Hashiguchi is one of such preciousfilms. 10 years ago, when I finally came to be able to accept myself,Hush! showed me what lies ahead like the light from a lighthouse thatbrightens the dark. I wonder what new encounters await us at the filmfestival this year.

ジュン☆中山 Jun Nakayama
アロマテラピスト・エステティシャン・プラスサイズモデル aromatherapist, esthetician and plus-size model


I have been interested in this film festival previously since I knowsome of the directors whose works were being screened. This year, Ilook forward to enjoying the festival and seeing my friends anddirectors like John Waters and Michael Musto, whom I have met while Iwas in the US. At my talkshow, I will share with you some insidestories that I have heard from friends who have worked with Buck Angelwhen I told them that I will be making an appearance at one of thetalkshows.

杉山文野 Fumino Sugiyama
NPO法人ハートをつなごう学校代表 Representative of “Heart School” (Haato wo tsunagou gakkou)


The more one comes into contact with differences, the more one’sclosed mind gets opened up to broader and more plentifulpossibilities. That’s why I like traveling. And my life will continueto be colored up by even more “differences”. I couldn’t be happier ifI too could add some colors to your life, however little. Sexualminority, it is not something that belongs to a different world. It’sa way of life just like that of everyone else. Putting our individualstories together, colors emerge. And that is because of our very“differences”. I hope we will all appreciate that.

ひびのまこと Makoto Hibino
関西クィア映画祭2013代表 Kansai Queer Film Festival 2013 Committee Director


I think it’s great that large corporations support sexual minorities, unlike them, I am not rich. The US government, which advocates for LGBT rights, continues to violently abduct and illegally incarcerate people in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. And while there are some who rejoice at same-sex marriage, others criticize the fact that attention has only been paid to same-sex marriage all these years; and some others object to the entire marriage system itself. Among “us”, there are the rich, the poor, Japanese, Koreans, refugees taken into forced custody, supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party and supporters of the Green Party. Let’s acknowledge and feel our vast diversity as a community at the film festival this year.