(C) 黒田光一
橋口亮輔 / HASHIGUCHI Ryosuke
映画監督 / Film Director


Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Tokyo International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival! Opportunities to watch works of individual vision are disappearing as a result of a stark decrease in the number of mini-theaters and an ill-conceived self-restraint exercised by the television and movie industries. I hope that this festival will continue to serve as a venue for conveying in countless films the commonsensical reality of the world as a diverse place where various people live together.

美輪明宏 / MIWA Akihiro
シンガーソングライター、俳優、演出家 / Singer-songwriter, Actor, Director




やっと手にした 愛の権利を

(原曲:エディット・ピアフ / Edith Piaf)

The Right To Love

Let them rise and fall
The suns, red and gray
And let the hours turn
And let life go on

In the face of humanity
In defiance of its laws
Nothing, nobody will ever
Stop me from loving

I have the right to love
I have the right

In the face of humanity
In defiance of its laws
Nothing, nobody will ever
Stop me from loving

To hope for weddings
Like those of kids
At the age of loving

I wanted this right!

In drunken mornings
And wretched nights

By fighting for this love
I won this right!
In fear of losing everything

At the risk of losing myself
That I might live a life of love
I paid for this right!

Though time erases
Neither sorrows nor joys
Whatever we say or do
As long as my heart beats…

Whatever the crown may be?
Thorns or a cross
Nothing, nobody will ever
stop me from loving

I have the right to love
I have the right

In the face of humanity
In defiance of its laws
Nothing, nobody will ever
stop me from loving

From loving you
from being loved
from being loved


辛酸なめ子 辛酸なめ子 / SHINSAN Nameko
コラムニスト / Columnist

20周年おめでとうございます☆ 私の好きなクイア映画は、『翼をください』『乙女の祈り』『ブリトニーに逢いたくて』『フィリップ、きみを愛してる!』『藍色夏恋』などです。もはや本当の萌えはこのジャンルにしかないといっても過言ではありません。これからも素敵な作品をどんどん広めて日本の映画界を牽引していってください。

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary! My favorite queer films are “Lost and Delicious”, “Heavenly Creatures”,“Britney Baby, One More Time”, “I love you Philip Morris”, “Blue Gate Crossing” and so on... I think it’s not too much to say that queer is the only genre which has the true “Moe” element. Please keep spreading such fantastic films and leading Japanese film industry.

ソニン ソニン / Sonim
歌手、女優 / Singer, Actress


“I’m more of a man than you, honey, and I’m a helluva lot more woman than that bitch you hang out with.” During the musical “RENT” in which I appeared last year, these lines are spoken by the gay, drag queen Angel to a man she’s involved with. In the role of Angel’s close friend, I recall the lines and discuss them. You see, the words are an expression of Angel’s individuality. I hope that there will be greater understanding throughout the world of Angel’s expression as individuality, as part of everyday life. This year, again, in this film festival, may such an understanding take root and grow.

アーティスト(シンガーソングライター、プロデューサー、DJ) / Artist (Singer-songwriter, Producer, DJ)

NYに昨年末まで3年住んでいた私は、このたびのNY州の同性愛者の結婚認可を心から嬉しく思っています。私にはNY にも沢山のセクシュアルマイノリティの友人がいます。世界中にいます。愛にはいろんな形が有る事を私は音楽を通して伝えていきたいし、すべての人がそれぞれの愛の形を生き方に投影して欲しい。そんな想いでいっぱいです。

Having lived in New York for 3 years, I feel great joy at New York state’s decision to legalize same sex marriage. I have numerous sexual minority friends in New York, and in the world. Through my music I hope to express that love comes in many shapes and forms, and my heart is full of the wish that all people’s lives are a reflection of their love. My heart overflows with that wish.

上川あや 上川あや / KAMIKAWA Aya
東京都世田谷区議会議員 / a member of Setagaya Ward assemble


The Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival reminds us clearly that what people usually believe about sexuality is not always true. I’m also one of the people looking forward to this festival. I strongly believe that WE are the ones who should decide who we are. The right should be protected for living with the people we love regardless of our sexuality. I wish those ideas would be accepted by everyone and I will support this festival.

石坂わたる 石坂わたる / ISHIZAKA Wataru
東京都中野区議会議員 / a member of Nakano Ward assemble

私にとって初めての東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭は’96の第5回でした。海外の情報が少ない中、ここで上映された『そんなの簡単!? アメリカ小学校同性愛教育の現場』の、自然体で児童にカムアウトをしていた先生の姿が印象的でした。映画祭が笑いや涙にあふれる様々な映画とともに、社会の問題を扱う映画も共に上映し続けたことに敬意を表します。初回の映画祭が開催された中野で4月にオープンリーゲイである私が議員になれたことは、皆様が蒔いた種が芽吹いた結果の一つだと思っております。

My first experience with Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival was in 1996 which was the fifth one. Even we didn’t have much information about foreign countries, seeing such a teacher who come out to the students and being himself in the film “It’s Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School” was impressive. I respect this festival not only because they have been showing variety of films with laugh and tears, but also because they have been showing films that deal with social issues. I was able to become a member of assemble as a openly gay in Nakano. Nakano is the city where the first Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival was held. This is all because of the effort of everyone who supported this festival.

石川大我 石川大我 / ISHIKAWA Taiga
東京都豊島区議会議員 / a member of Toshima Ward assemble


Congratulations on the 20th Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival! I really appreciate the members of the staff who have been supporting this film festival for the last 20 years. Every year the big flag flapping in front of Spiral of Aoyama cheers me up and makes me dream of a brilliant future of LGBT. In this festival there are films that makes us laugh, cry and be moved from all over the world and we watch them together. There is no happiness greater than this. Let’s share this happiness with the world and our dreams will come true. To the prosperity of the film festival!

ひびのまこと ひびのまこと / HIBINO Makoto
関西クィア映画祭共同代表 / A joint representative of the Kansai Queer Film Festival Executive Committee

「レズビアン&ゲイ」と掲げることが(バイの不可視化という問題はありつつも)今よりもはるかに貴重で重要だった時代から20年。東京LG映画祭のご支援のおかげで、関西でも映画祭を始めることができました。現在も、日本作品を発掘・紹介する努力には、特に頭が下がります。日本各地のセクマイ系映画祭もそれぞれの特徴が出てきて、選択肢も増えています。もっと多様性を! もっとクィアに! お互いに前進し続けましょう。

Congratulations on the 20th Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival! I really appreciate the members of the staff who have been supporting this film festival for the last 20 years. Every year the big flag flapping in front of Spiral of Aoyama cheers me up and makes me dream of a brilliant future of LGBT. In this festival there are films that makes us laugh, cry and be moved from all over the world and we watch them together. There is no happiness greater than this. Let’s share this happiness with the world and our dreams will come true. To the prosperity of the film festival!

藤田博美 藤田博美 / FUJITA Hiromi
香川レインボー映画祭実行委員長 / Director of the Kagawa Rainbow Film Festival Executive Committee


The arrival of the 20th anniversary of the Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival is a joyous occasion in which I take great pride. It is a blessing made possible only through the tremendous efforts of the sponsors and staff members. When I first began to participate, I asked myself why we couldn’t hold a similar event at the local level, which led me to establish the Kagawa Rainbow Film Festival. Over the past 20 years, positive images of sexual minorities have become more and more prevalent among the general public. I look forward to the festival continuing to define Japan’s cutting-edge cinema for years to come.

成田容子 成田容子 / NARITA Yoko
青森インターナショナルLGBTフィルムフェスティバル実行委員長 / Director of the Aomori International LGBT Film Festival Executive Committee


What a nice festival!!! This is the impression I had when I visited this festival for the first time, in summer of 2006. Everything was brilliant and I was glad to be there. Every year when I visit festival I feel the same great energy, and then I take it back to Aomori. I think this is such a powerful festival. For us to whom this festival is like a mentor, and I would like to say congratulations on the 20th anniversary!!

大石夏絹iri 大石夏絹 / OOISHI Nagi
iri / iri

AQFF代表/ Chair of the Asian Queer Film Festival


Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. The people we met and experience I had at this festival inspired our life very much. We wonder just how many people have been inspired by this festival over the last 20 years. This festival is not just event; it has a more important meaning for everyone. We can take in the power of film, and give it our all together.