
10/8 (sat) 16:25

監督:セリーヌ・シアマ / Dir.:Celine Sciamma
2011 / France / 82min.
言語:フランス語 / Language:French
後援:フランス大使館 / Endorsed by:Ambassade de France au Japon
上映協力:東京国際女性映画祭 / Tokyo International Women’s Film Festival
ユニフランス・フィルム / uniFrance films

※No English Subtitles(英語字幕なし)

ベルリン国際映画祭テディ賞審査員賞! 『水の中のつぼみ』の監督最新作

Children grow up with full of hidden troubles…
Laure is 10 years old. Laure is a tomboy. On her arrival in a new neighborhood, she lets Lisa and her crowd believe that she is a boy. Truth or dare? Dare. Summer becomes a big playground and Laure pretends to be Michael, a boy like others…different enough to get the attention of Lisa who falls in love with him. Laure takes advantage of her new identity as if the end of the summer would never reveal her unsetting secret.